
Monday 19 August 2013

How To: Wake Up in a Good Mood

Now that summer has drawn to an end and the back to school season is here, late summer nights and lazy mornings are replaced with busy homework, early bed times, and very, very early wake up times. Hopefully with these few easy tips will help you to wake up feeling happy, refreshed, and in a great mood.

1. Prep the night before

Before your head hits the pillow, be sure to have everything prepared for the morning. Have your clothes laid out, your breakfast planned and your bags packed to ensure a stress-free, relaxing morning.

2. Gentle Alarms

Waking up to a harsh, "BEEP BEEP BEEP," first thing in the morning, frightening you out of your deep sleep won't start off your morning in the best mood. Opt for a gentle song to wake you 5-10 minutes earlier than the time you need to wake up to slowly allow your body to awaken before getting ready. For all the iPhone users out there, I have recently discovered this app called 'Sleep Time' that will wake you up anytime between the time you set, to half an hour prior to wake you up when you are sleeping the lightest rather than interrupting a deep sleep- it really works like a charm!

3. H20

Drinking water first thing when you wake up will make a world of a difference. Keep a water bottle right next to your bed so right after you wake up you have easy access to a few big gulps of water to get your system running.

I have found these few tips very helpful when trying to have a happy, stress-free morning to set the mood for the rest of the day. Preparing the night before, waking up softly to a gentle sound, and starting off your day with a few cups of water are the perfect tips to wake up happily. Enjoy!



  1. Really helpful tips Madi :) there really is nothing worse than waking up to a ridiculously loud and annoying alarm!
    Your blog is so cute and lovely, I'm glad I found it :)
    Beth x

    1. Oh thank you! I appreciate it! That sleep time app is incredible..and free! Thanks for checking my blog out, have a great day!

